
Chain Letter Santa Monica: part 2 - Saturday night

After a relaxing sushi dinner at Sakura, Lani, Severo and I went up to Bergamot to check out the Chain Letter show. We parked in a secret spot and walked over - wasn't as crowded as I was expecting. (It was 8pm when we got there). 

I was thought the parking lot would be a wall of people like at a concert. Not so.
Lani, me
on the line for the D2 space (annex #2)
view of the line from D2... party!
here is my piece in the back of D2
you saw this earlier in part 1
"dark" would be a good description of D2
we decided the show looked like an artsy rummage sale
cool pencil sculpture
Hey, I know that guy!
Some people came by chartered bus. Smart!
an artist bus
look! artists!
We opted out of waiting on line at the main gallery space.
Charlotte said "it moved as fast as a Galapagos tortoise"
I'll see it when I get back from my l-o-n-g vacation.
the line for Shoshana Wayne - where the early birds exhibited
art patrons enjoying something from one of the food trucks
We ambled over to F1 (annex #3) - the line wasn't too long. But it turned 9:00 before we got to the door so we were turned away. I felt sorry for the poor interns who had the task of doorkeeper.

At least one artist made money from this - these tees were sold in front of Shoshana Wayne. These guys said they were sold out but that he was taking orders! $10.
"I was in the Doug Harvey Chain Letter Show and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt"
See lots of links about the show in part 1. Too lazy to do them all again.

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