
Raspberry Jam - Uncooked

When we were kids, our dad recruited us to go out in the woods behind our aunt's house to pick wild raspberries for jam. I now use frozen berries and make a low sugar freezer jam version. The perfect project for a hot summer afternoon.

Here are visuals of the ingredients and equipment:

I find raspberries too seedy and this Wear-Ever Berry Strainer is the perfect tool for mashing and filtering out some of the seeds. I bought mine at a 2nd hand place up in Portland OR.

3 12oz bags frozen berries
1-1/2 c cane sugar
1 pouch Ball Freezer Jam pectin*

mix sugar + pectin in a bowl -- eliminate any lumps
mash berries in a bigger bowl
add sugar mixture
stir constantly 3 minutes
pour into clean jars, cap
let sit for 30 min
freeze or refrigerate

* found with the other canning supplies at your grocer. They're always shifting around the location (sometimes near the sugar, sometimes near produce), so I always buy a bunch when I find it.
here's the jam atop some greek yogurt:

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