
Blueberry Marmalade

I love blueberry pie. I wasn't loving "freezer" blueberry jam, which isn't cooked. It dawned on me recently, why not make a cooked blueberry jam? I found just the thing in Preserving the Taste, by Edon Waycott (out of print, available used or try your library).
Here is my adaptation:


  • 1 orange plus juice
  • 1 lemon plus juice
  • [total juice should equal 1/2 c]
  • 1.5 c water

  • 4 c  fresh blueberries or 2 12oz bags frozen, thawed, crushed
  • 3 c cane sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom


  • Cut off ends of orange and lemon, extract juice
  • Seed then pulverize all in a food processer, place in good sized pot
  • Add water, boil 10 minutes
  • Add juice, boil another 15 minutes
  • Add blueberries, sugar, spice
  • Cook uncovered 20 minutes or until reaches set temperature of 220ยบ
  • Fill jars, process to seal or freeze